
Our meetings are held at Crowle Parish Hall, Church Rd, Crowle, Worcester WR7 4AZ

Our next meeting will be a Sit and Bead on Saturday the 20th July

Meetings 2024
March 16thAGM
April 20thSit and Bead
May 11thMelissa Grakowsky Shippee’s
‘Tassel Flower Lariat’ 
June 15thSit and Bead
July 20thSit and Bead
August 10th
September 21st
October 19th
November 16th
December 14th

All meetings are 9.00 am to 3.30 pm including Sit and Bead meetings unless advised otherwise, and are included in the cost of the annual  membership fee.

Meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month except those highlighted, which are on the second Saturday.

Time will be made available at each meeting for booking workshops.
We are able to welcome visitors to most of our meetings, but please check with the Chairman or Secretary prior to the meeting.

A small charge per visitor will apply.

 For further information please contact us by email :